Electrical Inspections

Generally, Minnesota law requires all electrical work to be performed by licensed, bonded, and insured electrical contractors and their employees. Homeowners, with strict limitations, are exempt from licensing, but not from inspection. A separate request for electrical inspection form with the required fees must be submitted to the Department of Labor and Industry at or before the commencement of any electrical installation. If you have had electrical circuits added, extended, or altered you should have also had a visit from your local electrical inspector.

Becker County Terry Lane 218-340-0532
Hubbard County Anthony Kohrs 612-770-1938
Cass County - Birch Lake Township Anthony Kohrs 612-770-1938
Cass County - Deerfield Township Anthony Kohrs 612-770-1938
Cass County - Hiram Township Anthony Kohrs 612-770-1938
Cass County - Shingobee Township Anthony Kohrs 612-770-1938
Cass County - Bull Moose Township Michael Wenzel 218-270-2265
Clearwater County Terry Lane 218-340-0532
Wadena County Brandon Disselbrett 218-640-0187

Electrical inspectors can be reached by phone Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

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