TSE Logo

Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives is a national network of electric cooperatives across 46 states that provides resources and leverages partnerships to help member cooperatives and their employees better engage and serve their members. By working together, Touchstone Energy cooperatives stand as a source of power and information to their 32 million member-owners every day.

Electric cooperatives were originally established to provide electricity to rural America. Now co-op territories have expanded into suburban and some urban areas of the country, which makes electric co-ops the largest electric utility network in the nation. Despite this growth, your local Touchstone Energy cooperative is owned and operated by the members it serves, giving everyone in your community a democratic voice in how the co-op is run.

Community-friendly values mixed with the cooperative business model are what make electric co-ops strong. As a not-for-profit entity, members know they can trust their electric co-op, because it was created to deliver on the promise of providing safe, reliable and affordable electricity to member-owners – not to generate money for shareholders.


What Makes Touchstone Energy Cooperatives Different

Touchstone Energy is the national brand identity for the extensive electric cooperative network. All members exemplify high standards of service because they uphold the four core values of integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community. Touchstone Energy co-ops simply put members first and always have a local, member-driven, community focused vision. 

Across the country, local Touchstone Energy co-ops work to improve members’ quality of life by taking a leadership role in community and economic development projects, forging strong partnerships with business members, as well as generously donating time, energy and resources to their local communities. The Touchstone Energy logo means the cooperative understands the power of human connections and is the power of a national network, working in your neighborhood.

Touchstone Energy Cooperatives are:

  • Part of the largest electric utility network in the nation
  • Total more than 700 local systems in 46 states
  • Serve more than 30.5 million distribution cooperative member-owners
  • Serve nearly 40 generation and transmission cooperatives


Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative

Itasca-Mantrap is a Touchstone Energy® Cooperative. The Touchstone Energy Cooperatives brand represents a nationwide alliance made of more than 700 local, consumer-owned electric cooperatives in 46 states. Touchstone Energy co-ops collectively deliver power and energy solutions to more than 40 million members every day. Electric cooperatives distribute power for 56 percent of the U.S. land mass over 2.4 million miles of power lines.

Electric cooperatives were established to provide electricity to rural America, and now make up the largest electric utility network in the nation. Touchstone Energy is the national brand identity for that network.

What Makes Touchstone Energy Cooperatives Different

Touchstone Energy co-ops are owned by the members they serve and are committed to providing reliable electricity at the lowest price possible. In short, co-ops “look out” for the members they serve.

Touchstone Energy co-ops provide high standards of service according to their four core values: integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community. Our alliance with Touchstone Energy is our guarantee to you that we will always do our best.

Being a Touchstone Energy cooperative, Itasca-Mantrap is able to offer our Members and the community great programs such as:

The Co-op Connections Card 

The Touchstone Energy Community Award


Together We Save

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