Associated Organizations

Great River Energy

Great River Energy is a not-for-profit cooperative which provides wholesale electric service to Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative and 27 other distribution cooperatives in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Those member cooperatives distribute electricity to approximately 655,000 member consumers – or about 1.7 million people. With $3.7 billion in assets, Great River Energy is the second largest electric power supplier in Minnesota and one of the largest generation and transmission cooperatives in the United States.

Great River Energy


Minnesota Rural Electric Association

The Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA) is the Minnesota Statewide representing the electric cooperatives in the state of Minnesota. The MREA fosters unity among and provides service and support to all of Minnesota’s 50 electric cooperatives.

Minnesota Rural Electric Association


National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

NRECA is the national service organization for more than 900 not-for-profit rural electric cooperatives and public power districts providing retail electric service to more than 42 million consumers in 47 states and whose retail sales account for approximately 12 percent of total electricity sales in the United States.

NRECA’s members include consumer-owned local distribution systems and 66 generation and transmission (G&T) cooperatives that supply wholesale power to their distribution cooperative owner-members. Distribution and G&T cooperatives share an obligation to serve their members by providing safe, reliable and affordable electric service.

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

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