Service Improvements

Service improvements include work such as meter moves, overhead to underground line conversion, revamps for participation in load management programs, etc. Work for these services will be quoted on a case by case basis, payable at the total cost of construction. Pre-payment is required before any work is performed. The process is outlined below.

  1. Contact the cooperative to discuss the work you would like performed.
  2. If necessary, a staking technician will meet you and/or your contractor on-site to determine the scope of the project and how much it will cost. A nonrefundable $300 engineering estimate is payable prior to the site visit.
  3. Once the project is staked, we will mail you a quote for the work to be done. This quote must be paid in full prior to construction. The engineering estimate will be applied towards the quote.
  4. You will also need to provide the following:
    • Any necessary easements on forms provided by the cooperative including full property legal descriptions.
    • Special permits, if applicable (i.e. township, county, state, federal, etc.).
    • A release of liability for private underground objects or utilities on forms provided by the cooperative.
    • Submit Request for Electrical Inspection and complete electrical inspection OR Verification from electrical contractor and copy of request.

For additional details, please contact the Member Services Department at

218-732-3377 or 1-888-713-3377.

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